Thursday, December 30, 2004 |
Or, just when you thought it was safe to go swimming again in Lake Reality....
ynthia McKinney's Jihadi Express will be arriving in Washington, D.C.,
five days from now, much to both the chagrin and the inexorable delight of her prospective constituent
Denny Wilson. Two days later, at the UN, secretary jerk-n-all Kozy Korruption will convene a
meeting to decide which Useless Nitwit officials will be siphoning off how many kickbacks from relief assistance to tsunami victims—after, of course, passing a resolution that blames President Bush's refusal to sign Kyoto, along with
Americans in general, as the primary cause of all earthquakes. While Red Staters were
joyfully celebrating Christmas, loserals were pondering the true meaning of Leftism. Is it just about trying to impose
Cross-Dressing Day in all of America's elementary schools, or to ignore
Saddam's blood-stained hands or FrUNch oil vouchers, or to
undermine our troops' mission and morale while claiming to support them? Or is there something Mhore to it?
If you've been wondering where most of their normal moonbattiness has flown to recently, then look no further than this Belly of the Beast: It's all in there, festering, feeding on itself, yearning to break out as soon as the time is right left. Unfortunately, Canada hasn't yet responded to diplomatic requests that it grant immediate asylum to all American leftists claiming political-refugee status. In the meantime, we're stuck with their pathetic whining about President Bush not trying, like Qlinton would've in less time than its takes him to soil an intern's blue dress, to turn a natural disaster into his own personal photo-op.
Rather than trying to silence these Leftardians from the Parallel Universe & Alternate Timeline, they should be encouraged to utter their every furious frustration in front of every camera and microphone they can possibly find. At the rate they're going, after the next couple of elections the only Congresscritters and lesser office holders they'll have left will be RINOs.

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