Friday, November 05, 2004 |
Good News: It'll wipe out the budget deficit. Great News: It involves the only tax liberals won't like.
he most recent failed nominee for president stands as proof that the national Democratic Party will continue to dwindle. The South has gone from just one-fourth of the Electoral College in 1960 to almost a third today," said Senator Zell Miller of Georgia, speaking on condition of his being allowed to rip yet one more new one for a former national party that's quickly fading into anonymity. "To put this in perspective, that gain is equal to all the electoral votes in Ohio. Yet there was not a single Southern state where John
[Q]erry had any real chance. Would anyone like to place bets on the electoral strength of the South by 2012?
Maybe they should tax stupidity."
Jim Geraghty has the rest of the excerpt from Senator Miller's column titled "I tried to tell you..." which appeared, appropriately enough, in yesterday's Atlanta Urinal-Constipation.

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