Monday, November 01, 2004 |
And how high the stakes are for them Nov. 2nd, which is why they've been "pulling out all the stops to shed blood in Iraq this week."
- Sen. [Q]erry insists that we're losing [in Iraq]—giving our enemies hope that we'll pull out. No matter what else John [Q]erry may say, the terrorists only hear his criticisms of our president and our war. . . .
The struggle isn't just about the fate of one country, but about the future of the entire Middle East. If freedom and the rule of law get even a 51 percent victory in Iraq, it's the beginning of the end for the terrorists and the vicious regimes that bred them.
Al Qaeda and its affiliates are rapidly using up the human capital they've accumulated over decades. The casualties in Iraq are overwhelmingly on the terrorist side. Extremist leaders have paid a particularly heavy price. But they won't stop fighting because they can't. The terrorists have to win in Iraq. They have to defeat America.
The astonishing thing is that so many of our fellow Americans don't get it. The terrorists aren't committing their shrinking reserves because the outcome's a trivial matter. They recognize the magnitude of what we're helping the Iraqi people achieve.
This is the big one. The fate of a civilization hangs in the balance. And all we hear from one presidential contender is that it's the "wrong war, at the wrong time."
Please read Ralph Peters'
whole column. (
Hey, Relax...I'm just Sayin')

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