Wednesday, November 03, 2004 |
Since the qandidate himself is miserably failing to give it....
now stands for Wednesday, my fellow Americans. A Wednesday we will all look back on, as the years and decades and centuries go by, as one that, like so many other Wednesdays, was just another day in the life of this great nation.
I want everyone to know that, regardless what some networks are saying and what ninety-nine point nine nine percent of the official polls are saying, this race is not over. It will continue. Even after all the races in all the states are conceded, giving in to the same, now inescapable fact, I will continue running the race I began last year and through so many months on the campaign trail so that every American would know what it means to have a plan.
Don't anyone forget, ever, that I did have a plan. A plan for the country, for the world, for the children and their schools. A plan for the future and for the past. A plan to unite everyone everywhere every time. It was, and still is, a good plan. A thorough plan. A incredibly detailed yet remarkable concise and short plan. The kind of plan you need when there was a need for plans. Don't forget either, that we did need a plan; and I will continue making plans as long as they are needed.
I want you all to know that I did call President Bush today before I almost didn't call him. I also actually conceded that he might have somehow in all probability could have, if things were different, gotten perhaps most if not all of the count that several or more states are likely going to assume he can possibly get provided a few more of the one or two remaining percentages are at last taken into account at some point later in the foreseeable future. So I told him I might call back.
Anyway, this has been a wonderful day, which also starts with W. A wonderful Wednesday. Even the weather, for the most part, cooperated. Where we would win well with wide, welcoming wipeouts, while waiting wide-eyed, writing who won whenever we're worrying what Washington wrought. That's how well we've done. So I put it to you, my fellow Americans, who is the real winner here? I say we all are.
Thank you all for working hard to make this campaign and this election something we all can look back on in the years ahead, too. I know I will.
Again, thank you. God bless America.

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