Tuesday, October 05, 2004 |
Trial lawyer, mumbojumbo channeler, and now psychologist (via El Rushbo).
r. Sigwards Frivolous has diagnosed the vast majority of us electors; and the prognosis is terminal for both his campaign and his party.
"If you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind," Qerrwarts proclaimed.
This from someone who's obviously living in a fantasy world where channeling brain damaged little girls and unleashing class-action trial lawyers on doctors so all our medical costs explode through the roof, is considered the best of his Two Sue Americas™.
So the SOAMW ([multi-millionaire] son of a mill worker Multi-Millionaire CEO/President of Textile Consultants, Inc., aka "Evil Corporation") believes that voters for President Bush are insane? Do a self-examination of these Two Hairyblahs' voting records:
Miserable Failure
One-Term Wonderboy
And you'll see just the ones who're clearly out of touch with reality.

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