Saturday, October 16, 2004 |
Even when al-Qerry wasn't playing hooky from the job the people of Massachusetts hired him for, he still didn't really get much done.
einz, the company owned by
T-Rant'n'Raveza's late first husband, has
57 of its 79 factories outsourced overseas and is famous for its 57 varieties of sauces. By funny coincidence, 57 is also the number of bills and resolutions Flopface has sponsored during his entire twenty years in the Senate (averaging less than three a year), with only one becoming a law that might help even a small tangible number of the American people.
Fifteen are not bills but affect just the Senate (e.g., rules amendments or Sense of the Senate resolutions). The remaining 42 required passage by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but only thirteen made it that far. Of those 13, two failed becoming a law and one was a concurrent resolution that affected just the two chambers. That makes ten Qerry-sponsored bills which eventually became laws.
What were these ten al-Qerry Bills? Four were responsible for designating "World Population Awareness Week" (one for 1989 and another for 1991), "Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day," and "National POW/MIA Recognition Day." Two were for redesignating a federal building as the "Frederick C. Murphy Federal Center" and awarding a posthumous congressional gold medal to Jackie Robinson. Two more authorized appropriations for the National Sea Grant College Program Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. One added reporting requirements and a pilot program to the Small Business Act's women's business center program (undoubtedly another ineffectual pork-barrel project). The tenth (which really passed as House bill H.R. 1860) reauthorized the Small Business Technology Transfer Program.
Not much to show for twenty years. Of course, he still has four more left of his term in the Senate. Maybe he can at last get that Universal Government Care for The Children and Sundry Minorities and Total Ban of Talk Radio Act® he's always wanted before his home state retires both him and Senator al-Qennedy Mary Jo Kopechne's murderer and goes completely Republican. Although, given his do-nothing record of "accomplishment," the likelihood of its winding up a no-show too is metaphysically infinite.
Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry's 57 exemplary varieties of legislative nonleadership are listed below. (Compiled by AFL-CIO.)
- 99th Congress (1)
- S.CON.RES.62 (expressing solidarity with the Sakharov family)
not passed
- 100th Congress (7)
- S.CON.RES.99 (condemning North Korea's support for terrorist activities)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.RES.189 (commend the United States Coast Guard for rescue of 37 Soviet crew members)
passed Senate
- S.RES.279 (sense of the Senate regarding Senate political committees)
passed Senate
- S.J.RES.91 (disapproving the certification by President under Foreign Assistance Act)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.J.RES.285 (sense of Congress that Haiti falls under the definition of "major drug-transit country")
passed Senate but not the House
- S.J.RES.369 (designate September 17-October 10, 1988, as "Coastweeks '88.")
passed Senate but not the House
- S.2365 (authorizing release of films about the Marshall Plan)
passed Senate and House but didn't become law
- 101st Congress (4)
- S.RES.201 (commend Walter Suskind)
passed Senate
- S.J.RES.158 (designating October 22-28, 1989, as "World Population Awareness Week")
became law
- S.J.RES.166 (designate September 16-October 9, 1989, as "Coastweeks '89")
passed Senate but not the House
- S.2575 (urge Secretary of State to negotiate ban on mineral resource activities in Antarctica)
passed Senate but not the House
- 102nd Congress (12)
- S.CON.RES.26 (calling for comprehensive environmental protection of Antarctica)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.RES.18 (recognize accomplishments of Lewis A. Shattuck)
passed Senate
- S.RES.133 (designate May 21, 1991, as "National Land Trust Appreciation Day")
passed Senate
- S.RES.144 (encourage European Community to adopt one-day-only ban on driftnets)
passed Senate
- S.RES.185 (provide for expenses of Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs)
passed Senate
- S.RES.324 (declassification of documents pertaining to POWs and MIAs)
passed Senate
- S.J.RES.160 (designating week beginning October 20, 1991, as "World Population Awareness Week")
became law
- S.J.RES.318 (designating November 13, 1992, as "Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day")
became law
- S.J.RES.337 (designating September 18, 1992, as "National POW/MIA Recognition Day")
became law
- S.1418 (designate federal building in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, as "Silvio O. Conte Federal Building")
passed Senate but not the House
- S.1563 (authorize appropriations for National Sea Grant College Program Act)
became law
- S.3389 (amend Securities Exchange Act to prohibit certain managed-accounts transactions)
passed Senate but not the House
- 103rd Congress (5)
- S.CON.RES.67 (correct technical errors in H.R. 2333)
passed Senate and House
- S.RES.183 (sense of the Senate that action taken by France against U.S. seafood products is unwarranted)
passed Senate
- S.1206 (redesignate Federal building in Waltham, Massachusetts, as the "Frederick C. Murphy Federal Center")
became law
- S.1636 (authorize appropriations for Marine Mammal Protection Act)
became law
- S.2478 (amend Small Business Act to assist socially and economically disadvantaged small-business owners)
passed Senate but not the House
- 104th Congress (10)
- S.212 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel SHAMROCK V)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.213 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel ENDEAVOUR)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.653 (authorize the Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel AURA)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.654 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel SUNRISE)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.655 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel MARANTHA)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.656 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel QUIETLY)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.1016 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel MAGIC CARPET)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.1017 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel CHRISSY)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.1281 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel SARAH-CHRISTEN)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.1282 (authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue certificate for the vessel TRIAD)
passed Senate but not the House
- 105th Congress (1)
- S.469 (designate portion of Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers as component of National Wild and Scenic Rivers System)
passed Senate and House but didn't become law
- 106th Congress (3)
- S.791 (amend Small Business Act to add reporting requirements and a pilot program to women's business center program)
became law
- S.918 (authorize Small Business Administration to assist military reservists' small businesses)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.1569 (designate segments of Taunton River in Massachusetts for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System)
passed Senate but not the House
- 107th Congress (12)
- S.CON.RES.7 (sense of Congress that U.S. should establish international education policy [Global Testing, anyone?])
passed Senate but not the House
- S.RES.65 (honoring president of Harvard University)
passed Senate
- S.RES.123 (amending Senate rules to change the name of Committee on Small Business to "Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship" [earth-shattering legislation!])
passed Senate
- S.RES.180 (sense of the Senate regarding International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas [save the tuna!])
passed Senate
- S.RES.216 (resolution to honor Milton D. Stewart, Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration)
passed Senate
- S.RES.264 (sense of the Senate that small business participation is vital to national defense)
passed Senate
- S.RES.302 (honoring the late Ted Williams)
passed Senate
- S.174 (amend Small Business Act with respect to microloan program [microloans?])
passed Senate but not the House
- S.295 (provide emergency relief to small businesses affected by increases in energy prices)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.856 (reauthorize Small Business Technology Transfer Program)
became law
- S.1499 (provide assistance to small business concerns adversely impacted by terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001)
passed Senate but not the House
- S.2869 (facilitate ability of certain spectrum auction winners to pursue alternative measures to meet needs of wireless telecommunications consumers)
passed Senate but not the House
- 108th Congress (2)
- S.300 (award congressional gold medal to the late Jackie Robinson)
became law
- S.318 (provide emergency assistance to nonfarm-related small business suffering substantial economic harm from drought)
passed Senate but not the House
NonCBSish Clarification
Dear Readers,
Notwithstanding the first comment, the subject of my post isn't billionaire TerRAYzah's record but gold digger Mamma's tBoy al-Qerry's do-nothing one. From her compassionate "scumbags" statement directed at her detractors, to her remarkably intelligent "now shove it" dismissal of a reporter who caught her lying about her "un-American traits" comment, plus her generous "I wouldn't be surprised if [Osama bin Laden] appeared [before the election]" tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory, as well as her championing Enron CEO Ken Lay when he was a Heinz Foundation board member, not to mention how she advocated forcing children in Florida to just "eat cake go naked for awhile" after hurricanes struck that state, on top of her supporting a very shady loan to bail out Hanoi John's campaign last December, even the passing reference she gets from me in the original post, I'm not at all ashamed to say, is much more than I believe she deserves anywhere on my site. She can continue working on her artless We'll MoveOn Peacefully Maybe Tomorrow But I Doubt Its and those other worthy causes after her kept man loses. She sure won't have any chance of doing so as First LooseCannon.

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