Wednesday, October 27, 2004 |
"I decided that bloggers were just a bunch of losers with no audience and no credibility who sat around their living rooms in pajamas all day hatching crackpot theories that never pan out. They did a special about this on CBS News (on 60 minutes II) just the other night."
nn Coulter was on FOX's
Hannity & Colmes last night discussing al-Qerry's knee-jerk reactionary accusations on the heels of a bogus story about an Iraqi base that was never in any need of guarding, which the
Spew Dork Slimes breathlessly ran based on the flimsiest of evidence
before all the facts came in. Ann also had a chance to comment on the
pie-throwing incident that occurred during her speaking appearance Thursday in Tucson, Arizona.
In the video playback of that incident you hear and see:
- [R]aises...point that I make in my book, which is, if you take away the terrorism, and liberals would hate Muslims—(gasp).
When the moonbat wrecks a scrim Like a big-a ditzy Dhimm That's-a felony
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Two pie-throwing liberals run across the stage, completely missing Ann—who can dodge and move gracefully even in a short, sexy black dress. But completely making Ann's point about liberals' love of violence.
After the video, Ann said a liberal's view of Muslims absent their violence is that "they would just be anti-choice, fanatics, anti-gay marriage." It's just that liberals "love the terrorism part; and then an act of terrorism is committed against me, coincidentally."
Lionel Waxman writes a brief account of Ann's Tucson appearance, too. He says Ann continued with her speech after the running, now-jailed liberals tumbled and smashed their faces backstage. "Other than that, it was a typical Coulter appearance, with rhetorical bombs exploding every few seconds. There are a lot of people who like Ann Coulter and her bomb-throwing ways. And you can count me among them." Ditto.
Last but not least, John Hawkins posted his recent, second interview with Ann at Right Wing News (
BitsBlog). To the point as well are her assessments of President Bush—"A 21st century Churchill"—and TeRANTnRAVEza Heinz Qerry—"To be first lady, first you have to be a lady."
I second Ann's call to get out the vote:
- Vote on November 2nd. Democrats get to vote as often as they like, so we should all vote at least once.
Hear, hear.

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