But favors the death penalty (with absolutely no appeal) for unborn babies—the most truly innocent, choiceless and voiceless among us.
Club for Growth ad accurately cites that Kerry once opposed the death penalty for terrorists and now supports it." That is, not until the current election year did JoHaNoi
Benedict-Arnold al-Qerry say that sentencing convicted mass-murdering islamonazis to death for crimes against buildings full of innocent Americans is justice. Flipfloppily,
when he's not running for office he goes back to opposing the death penalty—even for terrorists.
"I actually did vote for the death penalty before I voted against it," he'll no doubt say next time after we the people leave him in the Senate this November. He's already said, "I know what the feeling of the families [of murdered 5-year-olds] is and everybody else. But..." (There should be a "but" after that?) "...most of the other nations in the world, have adopted that idea, that the state should not engage in killing." Apparently, this is part of Qerry's Global Test too.
Hanoi John qualifies his support (how surprising!) for executing Osama bin Laden and mass murderers like him. Namely, that Osama bin Laden and mass murderers like are the only ones who should be subject to the death penalty. The run-of-the-mill mass murderers, well, they all should get fair trials in our courts and cushy life sentences with cable televisions, broadband Internet connections, and weight-lifting machines. That'll learn 'em.
Now if only babies in the womb could qualify for those exceptions to the Qerry Death Penalty Plan, they'd have more of a choice over their final fate than Osama bin Laden has.

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