Thursday, October 21, 2004 |
Programs are good. MSM newsbreaks aren't. For examples:
ood: "Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Let's see what's happening in the news. Here's an interesting item: Clowns are gathered outside the national headquarters of the
Democratic [Demospastic] Party, protesting that party's ongoing attempt to put them all out of a job. Said one clown, 'I'm one of those sad clowns, but even I'm not as sad as these guys are.' Elsewhere in sad clown news, Senator John
[Q]erry said...."
Bad-n-Ugly: "This is CNN radio news. Today some evil conservatives were behaving evilly because they're just evil, says expert evilologist Evil Kenevil. (soundbite) 'Yes, they are quite evil.' In other evil news about evil conservatives...."
Good: "You're listening to the EIB Network. Hi, your host Rush Limbaugh here. I just saw this during the break. John [Q]erry's wife declares that being an heiress is the most important job in America, second only to being married to an heiress. Let's go to the phones to hear what you think...."
Bad-n-Ugly: "CNN radio news update. I'm Leff Tyst. Senator John [Q]erry on the campaign trail said that Mr. [President] Bush is evil. (soundbite) 'Yes, this president is quite evil.' Meanwhile, Mr. [President] Bush was also on the campaign trail. In other news, the Bush Administration announced a policy that, according to PETA spokesperson Treeh Ugger, will destroy all animal life on planet Earth. (soundbite) 'Yes, it's quite apparent that they want to evilly destroy all animal life.' In other evil news about evil conservatives...."
Good: "(music) Let freedom ring.... Welcome to the Sean Hannity program. We have a very special guest today who'll be joining us at the bottom of the hour. But first, did you hear about the latest John [Q]erry flip-flop? Today he says he's all for the war now. Yesterday, of course, he called it—and I quote—'the wrongest everest war in human history.' Does anyone, including [al-Q]erry, know where he stands on anything? Speaking of schizophrenia, John [Q]erry went hunting with another borrowed $15,000 shotgun but, out of deference to PETA, refused to shoot anything...."
Bad-n-Ugly: "This is CNN radio news. In Iraq, there was a two-car pile-up in the middle of Baghdad involving several taxi cabs. Although at least one fender was completely destroyed, a Coalition spokesman still maintains that it was just an accident. But an expert terrorologist, Ihate Therite, says terrorists might be behind the accident. (soundbite) 'Yes, I'm quite concerned that terrorists might be behind it.' In other evil news, several evil conservatives with heart conditions got flu shots, evilly stealing them from the babies they were about eat...."
Fair and balanced talk radio is fine and all. Still, does it have to include interspersing the right and good with the wrong and bad? Is it too much to ask that a FOX Radio News do the newsbreaks?

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