Thursday, October 07, 2004 |
A single canister of sarin gas in an enclosed shopping mall would do the trick.
ust like the canisters (i.e., plural, Liberals, as in "more than one") of this gas that our troops have already uncovered from
several hidden sites (another plural). Or the
sarin and mustard gas rockets (plural) that our Marines found near Baghdad. Or the gallons (plural again) that literally
exploded in our troops' faces (h.t.
Liberal Slayer). Don't forget either the
two tons of enriched uranium and other highly radioactive items (big plurals) that we removed, which Saddam Hussein illegally had in his possession. Yes, there are stockpiles enough to see here.
MoveOn along at your own peril.
If you say we've found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, you're lying to yourself or to others. If you say we've found no stockpiles of them, you can use that to comfort the families of victims killed by just a few doses of any of these deadly nerve agents should terrorists get hold of some we didn't find in Iraq first before they did and use those in a crowded Mall of America. I'm sure such families will appreciate that distinction as they bury their skin-melted loved ones.
Again the obsolestream media omit from their gleeful stories what all we have found in Iraq so far. Again we're right to wonder who's side are they really on?

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