Did Qerry just say that's how much the budget surplus was when President Bush took office?
etween all his incessant note-taking and nose-picking (what the heck was he writing down all those times!), I almost missed his
bald botox faced lie. Five point one TRILLION was the surplus?
Even a seven six five-year-old could fact check that more quickly than he could write it down: The budget surplus was $127 billion. Qerry was off by a factor of forty!
Other than that, al-Qerry's performance shenanigans & lies tonight could not have been any more dismal even if he had "a plan" for making them so. That porcupine hair of his just made it worse.
Four words: Slam. Dunk. Mister. President.
Update: Qerry said "5.6 Trillion": "Now with respect to the deficit, the president was handed a $5.6 trillion surplus, ladies and gentlemen. That's where he was when he came into office." So Hanoi John was off by a factor of fourty-four! Also, BiIsIs Qlinton's own budget projections in the late 1990's showed his Grand & Glorious Temporary-Only Surplus turning into a Permanent Deficit starting in fiscal year 2002. That was Qlinton's plan. Deficits as far as the eye could see after piling up the revenues from his 1993 Largest Tax Increase Ever In Human History toward the end of his second term. Even al-Gore would've had deficits.

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