Monday, September 06, 2004 |
Why all the skakeups?
an't hire the right people the first time, or the second time, or even the third time, is that it? Got to keep changing your top-level staff—even when you're right in the middle of the most heated part of the election? Can't stick with the folks you got? Can't get along with them? Can't work with your advisors and allies? Aren't you supposed to be a uniter? Why can't you unite your own flippin' staff?
What's wrong with your campaign, Qerry? Is it self-destructing and you just won't admit it? The pressure's too great so you punt (your staff)? So you're blaming them for your failures, are you? How about your own miserable failure to select the "right people for the job"—like you chastise our wartime president for all the time, but which you obviously can't do yourself? Are we going to have to wait around while you select and reselect top-level advisor after top-level advisor until you finally get it right, if ever? Would the terrorists be encouraged or discouraged by any leader's lack of solid commitment to, confidence in, and standing among his own closest advisors? Would they see weakness or strength in any commander's unwillingness and inability to get along with the staff he currently has? or who changes advisors at the drop of a lucky-CIA hat?
The going gets rough so your staff gets shown the door, is that it, al-Qerry? What about the person who put that staff together? Is he (i.e., you) blameless? Shouldn't you be apologizing for lying to us about "I'll always get the best people" and then ditching them at the first sign of trouble?
You don't know how to pick the right folks the first time, or the second time, or the third time, or even now at this late date. You expect us to believe that you could ever be trusted to get this crucial duty right as president of the glee club—much less as president of the United States? And while you're in the midst of another staff upheaval, what would the terrorists be doing? Firing their own staff? or firing at us after seeing such an opportunity of weakness in which to move in and strike? Can any of us in this country really afford to wait around for you to finally make up your mind about your staff selections? or anything else, for that matter? Would the terrorists wait or would they pounce at such sign of dangerous indecision?
What's wrong with your campaign, Hanoi John? Why the long face? (Oh, that's right. That's normal for you. Nevermind.) Can't make up your mind about who you want to work with? Would each of our allies be wary about your wanting to work similarly with them? Would you change our allies when you need to blame them for your miserable failures?
Now you're turning your staff into Qlinton's. Too little, too late, al-Qerry. At least the former president has a chance of getting a proper bypass. There's no such hope for you or your/his campaign.

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