Saturday, September 25, 2004 |
To paraphrase a line from Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry's favorite movie, “I love the smell of desperation in the moonbats.”
n a comment to Matt's
"White House Pool Report: Bush Surprise Visit To Troops Headed to Iraq," cook climbed out from under his rock at September 24, 2004 01:35 PM to post:
I find it sad that our President cannot find the time to attend one of our fallen soldiers funerals.
To which
Scaramonga responded at September 24, 2004 03:24 PM with:
- I find it sad that you would be so dumb. Do you know what an invasion of privacy it would be to intrude on the funeral of a fallen soldier? You would have the President, his secret service detail, military aides, and the ever-present press corps stomping around, pushing and shoving, flashing pictures and recording audio and videos....
The fact is if idiots like you ever got the chance to actually affect US policy as far as this war is concerned, you'd get us all killed. You should fall on your knees and pray to your moon god, coven chief, or whatever pagan symbol you worship to give thanks that George W. Bush is leading the most courageous bunch of young Americans in a noble and heroic cause for democracy and freedom.
Scaramonga's entire Megaton Yield of Clue rising above the stark desert known as The Liberal
Mind Piece of Anatomy Used to Keep Chairs Warm™ is a sight to behold. (Source:
Blogs for Bush; via
Slobokan at his
Site O' Schtuff, and
The Pamphleteer.)

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