Thursday, September 02, 2004 |
That definitely includes ex-Marines as well.
'm thankful Zell Miller is on our side, too. A true Democrat, his
keynote address at the Republican National Convention last night highlighted the stark contrast between what his party has become and what it was before its Moonybatty Boatlift which started a full decade before al-Qarter's Cuban one. From the convention stage to his post-speech interviews, this former governator ripped al-Qerry's Band of Blowhards inside the Dhimmicratic party/media something else they can contemplate besides their navels.
Spitball's Chris Matthews, being the O Great Fact Teller that he is, told Senator Miller:
Many times, as a conservative Republican, you've had to come out on the floor and obey party whips and vote against big appropriations passed by the Democrats when they were in power.
A Republican? You can't be that wrong on the job and not get called on it by your boss. (Unless, of course, you work as a I Ask-But You Don't Ever Get A Chance To Tell showhost at MSNBC.)
Day three of this already uplifting and inspiring convention has only increased my trust and confidence in the Republican party and its nominees' ability to lead our country to a quick, complete, and final victory over international terrorists and a fully recovered economy no longer burdened by global war. I'm obviously not alone: The word "bump" isn't doing justice for what our president has amazingly gotten in the polls, even before his acceptance speech.

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