Saturday, September 18, 2004 |
CBS's 60 Minutes II
received copies of JFQ's journal, all of which came from his own personal files. Whether they're authentic or not, the facts based on them raise quite a number of very serious questions.
0 Minutes II exclusive. (Part 1 in a series.)
Below is the JFQ journal post, dated 03 December 1968. It is his contemporaneous account of the circumstances surrounding his first tiny scratch wound in Vietnam.
Note: CBS News' own experts have expertly determined that this document was not printed either using Microsoft® Word™ or as a post on anyone's Web log.
09/15/2004 17:76 5647382910 CBS NEWS PAGE 02
Journal of John Forbes Kerry
Category: Vietnam
03 December 1968
I don’t know how my new Selectric Composer typewriter survived what I think was an encounter yesterday with Viet Cong Freedom Fighters, but it seems to still be in good working order, as my printing this post on it can attest. I even managed to save the special interchangeable ball that allows me to print superscripts. How clever am I?
Anyway, about the encounter. We were patroling at night up the river when we came upon something. I don’t know exactly what it was because it was so dark. As you know from my previous posts, the Admiral of the Navy put me in charge of the entire river, as Special Commando CIA Operative, so I was looking for enemy things at which we could fire using our secret 50 caliber machine gun.
Three of us were in a small boat when, all of a sudden, what sounded like a twig breaking pierced the jungle silence. “CYA!” I screamed at my men, and immediately opened fire. When my gun jammed I abu grabbed a grenade launcher and let ’em have it.
I must have got ‘em all because there wasn’t any shooting back after I finished firing. However, I got severely wounded on my arm from what I think was extremely withering hostile enemy fire. Looks like it’s PH time, if you know what I mean.;-)
The next day, my men claimed they couldn’t even see my wound when I lifted my Band Aid® to show them. I assured them it was there and that I deserved a Purp.
Lt. Junior grade

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