Thursday, September 02, 2004 |
At least no one hanged Monica or Qlinton for it.
n Iran, however—"a country that has the highest number of executions in the world and routinely executes minors"—they do.
Literally (via Tom of
MuD & PHuD):
- A pharmacist, whose shop is not far away from the Railway Square, where Atefeh [Rajabi] was hanged, recalls her final, painful hour. "When agents of the State Security Forces brought her to the gallows, I felt cold sweat running down my back. She looked so young and innocent, standing there in the middle of all these bearded men in military fatigues. [Religious Trial] Judge [Haji] Reza'i must have felt a personal grudge against her. He put the rope around her neck and left her dangling on the gallows for 45 minutes. I looked around and everyone in the crowd was sobbing and damning the mullahs for doing this to our young people."
Her crime: Having sex with unmarried men.
Another victim of the mad mullahs and their warped Religion of Brutal, Forced Submission. Another victim ignored by the raving moonbats who say we should never liberate such oppressed people in our name. Another victim of tyranny who will not be forgotten as we work to free all peoples from the scourge of extreme fanaticism which threatens each and every one of us.

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