Wednesday, September 01, 2004 |
I know, you're shocked—shocked!—by it.
o national party ever sunk so low as to expend huge amounts of time and resources trying to limit the choices of voters. But the latest example of
Dhimmicrats sinking there shows that it's become the rule for its leaders rather than the exception.
They're trying to tell each voter that if he or she exercises his or her right to choose based on his or her own convictions, that would be a bad thing, especially if that voter doesn't limit him or herself to the narrow choices Dictatorats demand that he or she have. Not even Ross Perot or Pat Buchanan's candidacies were ever subjected by Republicans to any of the Gestapo tactics that Hitlerats are now deploying against the candidacy of Ralph Nadar.
Even liberal reporters are getting in on the act. They're asking Mr. Nadar to commit to dropping out in the event some poll or another (which their news propagandist organization has commissioned, no doubt) shows he'll be drawing away votes from Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry. To which the always calm and very rational Mr. Nadar lobbed the following MOAB of Clue at them, completely decimating their Looney Leftist Logic™:
- I've never heard about the certitude of clairvoyance, so unfortunately I'm not informed enough to an answer your question.
When Desperats or any of their media lackeys tell you they stand for the right to choose, tell them you'd sooner believe that water only flows uphill.

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