No, I'm not talking about the Klan. (Although I might as well be.)
iberals, that's who. Racist—wanting to identify everyone by their "race." How about "human"? Isn't that really the only thing that matters? Holding people down by dividing them according to skin color; who can get along when that irrelevant difference is given such importance?
Whatever happened to "color-blind society"? Do you hear Demokkkrats or their candidate for president ever talk about wanting one? Their silence means they don't want one. That would ruin their favorite form of wedgy which they've hazed hapless Americans with for over a generation—part of the extremist liberals' divide-and-conquer strategy toward achieving their final solution of a society totally segregated along racial skintonal lines, with each side shade at every other's throat and Shadycrats egging them all on from the sidelines and picking up and putting together whatever pieces are left until they get what they really want more than anything else: Power. Inducing and exploiting such artifically created animosities for their own narrow purposes is the real intent of the Discriminatorats' bigotry.
"But racism is rampant in America. We must stamp it out." No, it isn't, except among Dividerats and their leaders. Yes, we must stamp it out there, at the place it's most prevalent: The party that actually boasts about how it gets "90% of the black vote." What if it or the Republicans got "90% of the white vote"? It would be called a racist party then.
One skintone held down, three or so more to go for the Klueless Klutzes Klanorats. Fortunately for freedom-minded citizens of this county, they're a "national party no more."

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