Nice of the Slimes
to finally admit it.
auging public opinion has never been the purpose of election-related polling. As even reporters at
Ye Olde Fork Tongues know, the only such poll that matters is the one taken at voting booths on Election Day.
Candidates use advertisements to sell their campaigns to prospective voters. Lefty print and broadcast media organizations use their polling results for the same thing, but only on behalf of liberal candidates. Why else would Slimes interviewer Deborah Solomon be so upset when a Qerry-supporting social scientist explains why there's going to be a George W. Bush landslide? (Thanks to Tim's Webpage for the heads up.)
When asked point blank whether he was a Republican, Yale economics professor Ray C. Fair told the Slimes, "I am a Kerry supporter." But... but... "I'm a little surprised, because your predictions implicitly lend support to [President] Bush," Ms. Solomon said. The scientist responded—as any good scientist would—that "I am not attempting to be an advocate for one party or another. I am attempting to be a social scientist trying to explain voting behavior." To which, in an obviously unguarded moment of honest confession, Ms. Solomon replied:
But in the process [of reporting poll data and analysis] you are shaping opinion. Predictions can be self-confirming, because wishy-washy voters might go with the candidate who is perceived to be more successful.
Bingo! And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the true purpose of polling as understood and intended by the likes of this and other liberal reporters who bring you stories in your local papers and national news programs about the results of the latest survey that their organizations conducted.
Why would anyone be interested in how others are planning to vote unless he or she's among those "wishy-washy voters" who just wants to cast his or her ballot the same as most everyone else? By announcing its pre-declared winner, the liberal media feels powerful. They believe they're able to influence such voters with their own stories about their own commissioned polling, and thus control the outcome of an election.
With that kind of vested interest in getting their most favored candidates elected, is there any reason for us to trust that the liberal media's polling activities are ever going to be reasonably objective?

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