Saturday, August 14, 2004 |
...we'd all be speaking German now. (At least those of us who hadn't been shoved into ovens.)
ournalists these days, by and large, think it's their job to change the world for the better—not merely to report what's actually going on and then let consumers of their work make up their own minds. If you're a reporter or editor who believes this to be your calling, fine. Go ahead and pick sides and promote agendas because you won't be able to actively change the world otherwise. Keep in mind, however, that only the most dimwitted among your reader, viewer or listenership will have any trouble making up their minds about
whose side and agenda you're propagandizing for as you write and arrange your stories.
Fortunately, anyone with a keyboard, camera or microphone can do the exact same thing just as well, oftentimes better. And they don't have to pretend that they're really doing something else. Sometimes all they need is a Web log like Mike's Cold Fury to help separate journalists from propagandists—the ones who know how to report facts from those who don't know the difference between their Clymers and their elbows. Although few have separated them as thoroughly as Mike has in his great post (via Speaking My Mind).
Unfortunately, if the Islamofascist Hitlers out there get much more aid and comfort from the elbowing kind, there soon won't be any left around to separate (much less anyone able to do the separating).

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