Liberal Utopia proudly joins a new and exciting alliance of bloggers.
o offense to any of you bloggers who actually get paid big bucks for expressing your opinions. In fact, I'm regularly linking to many of y'all's sites and articles. Besides, you probably have student loans from those schools of journalism, communications, etc. you attended which you still have to pay off—not to mention all the mortgages on those homes, condos, etc. you own which put you in the thick of things whenever politicians supply or your publishers or subscribers demand new material. After all, it's a living.
Not for most of us, however. An untold multitude throughout the blogosphere participates (often in relative obscurity) in this new, pluralistic, and democratic form of media solely as a labor of love. Contrary to detracting anything from what the paid opinion makers do, I believe it enriches the entire marketplace of ideas for everyone. Professional and amateur bloggers alike enjoy the benefits of such open and filterless expression. Even the old media benefits (if not sometimes outright steals from—for which they are usually generously forgiven) from our exchanges. More than ever before, good ideas have a much better chance of rising to the top, while bad ones are likely to be quickly exposed and subject to extremely well deserved fiskings.
Thanks to Tom of MuD&PHuD for founding our alliance of Homespun bloggers. Anyone for whom blogging is a labor of love, and no more, is welcomed to join. If you're interested, please visit Homespun Bloggers and see what we're all about.

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