Had they been around in 1944, they wouldn't have seen a link from Pearl Harbor to Germany either.
orest for the trees. The working title of the commission's report. Forget that we were still at war with Iraq on and before the attacks on September 11, 2001. ("Cease fire agreement" apparently means "peace treaty" in libberish.) Forget that Iraq violated that cease-fire agreement on a daily basis by firing at our lawfully-patrolling aircraft (which Iraq also agreed to, by the way) and endangered our pilots and aviators' lives. Forget that Iraq's dictatorship was a
proven supporter of murderous terrorists (as if there's any difference between one species of civilian-targeting suicide-bombing scum and the next). Forget that the commission doesn't have access to
Czech intelligence files (unless you count "we read about it in the
New York Times"). Forget that Iraq sent its security officials to attend the al-Qaeda 9-11 planning session in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Forget that the terrorists who attacked us are spread throughout the Middle East, harbored by or hiding out in countries like Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. And after you've forgotten all that, forget too that just liberating Afghanistan from Taliban control was never enough to completely prevent terrorists from attacking us again (unless you enjoy the view from that place underneath the sand where liberals' heads are).
Now that you have practically no memory (or sense) left, you won't have any trouble ignoring how deep in that sand the heads of the 9+1 Against Bush Commission's members are buried.

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