The sooner we actually win this war (i.e., completely wipe out Islamonazism) the better chance they'll all have of returning home safely. Or they can all come home now, and then end up fighting the entire war right here. For whom, exactly, are liberals demonstrating support?
nti-war demonstrators say they're "against the war, but support our troops." How about they ask any of the people they say they're supporting whether he or she appreciates or ever sees any real evidence of such support. I believe the overwhelming answer these
anti-war anti-win demonstrators would get would be a lot like this Marine Corps officer's:
- Support the troops
A Marine Corps officer in Fallujah says in an e-mail that much progress has been made in killing insurgents and taming Iraq. But he worries about poll numbers.
"The Marines fought hard in Fallujah and took a lot of very evil people out of the fight," the officer wrote. "That effort, and the associated loss of Marine lives, was not in vain. We're already seeing a significant decrease in the enemy's ability to attack our forces. The supply lines are open again and everything is flowing freely through the country. Their efforts to cut us off in order to break our willpower failed. The Iraqi people are tired of the enemy, and they are turning them over to us left and right.
"We're reading that everyone back home is starting to lose faith in our efforts in Iraq. The last CBS poll put the numbers under 50 percent for the first time. I know that doesn't mean a loss in support for the troops, but supporting 'the troops' while not supporting the mission doesn't do much for us.
"The Marines are in high spirits. The troops in Fallujah are doing what Marines do best, and they're true professionals. Everyone else is driving forward, wondering what all the fuss back home is all about. We don't feel that we're losing anything. In fact, we're finally addressing issues that should have been addressed some time ago."
source: Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough, "Inside the Ring," Washington Times, May 14, 2004; Bill Gertz, Inside the Ring Archives: 2004 Columns, "Support the troops," The Gertz File.
See also: Old Benjamin, "Fallujah Update," Advisory Opinion, May 20, 2004.

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