If I had a dime for each time Jerman-Frenchboy al-Qerry (the "al" stands for aloof) miserably failed to leave that word out of the interviews and speeches he's given since announcing his candidacy, I'd have more than enough to make this blog—plus a dozen others—completely ad-free.
osef Göebbels, head of Nazi Germany's
Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, decreed a number of rules for making
Adolf Hitler's
propaganda effective. They pretty much boil down to these simple three:
1. The Big Lie
This is what Hitler, in his book Mein Kampf, considered a "sound principle," even when employed, as he alleged, by the Jooooos:
[T]he magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick—a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.
TBL: An Example
"Dictatorship! Isn't the National Socialist Party essentially the German people? Aren't its leaders men of the people? How silly to imagine that this can be what the English call dictatorship! What we today have in Germany is not a dictatorship but rather a political discipline forced upon us by the pressure of circumstances. However, since we have it, why shouldn't we take advantage of the fact?"
- Göebbels
source: Lothrop Stoddard,
Into The Darkness: Nazi Germany Today (1940); Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook, No.
It's why, during Lothrop Stoddard's 1940 interview with Göebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister said with a perfectly straight face, "We Germans don't like this war" (although they sure had a funny way of showing it). Such a statement is so outrageous it defies reasonable belief. Another example of Göebbels' use of The Big Lie, taken from the same interviews, is shown in the box on the right.
"This administration has failed" is no-Qlue Qerry's version of TBL. Failure, in Qerry's worldview, means anything short of absolute perfection (if it was done by a Republican).
There hasn't been another terrorist attack anywhere on American soil, despite the terrorists' active, ongoing plans to do just that. Iraq's dictatorship has been completely toppled and is no longer in a position to offer actual or even potential support for any of those terrorists' plans. Libya's dictator is bending over backwards to eliminate that country's weapons of mass destruction so they won't ever fall into terrorists hands. Our economy is recovering very nicely despite our country having to fight a full-scale global war with the terrorists. Yet al-Qerry claims that "this administration has failed" on both national security and the economy. That's why his lie is as big as any of Göebbels'.
What does Hanoi John propose as an alternative to such "miserable failures"? In essence, higher taxes and relying more on the United Nations. Higher taxes, of course, would stiffle businesses' ability to expand and create more jobs, while greater reliance on a manifestly corrupt and inept UN would jeopardize any chance the world has of ever achieving total victory in its war on terror.1 The recession would reemerge then deepen, lasting for years. The terrorists would have real cause for hope, threatening every country for decades.
2. Mind-numbingly repeat TBL
Saturating the media, or at least his speeches and interviews, with TBL is the only hope al-Qerry has of making it stick. Since "this administration has failed" is not supported by any real facts, he hopes by repeating it over and over the public will eventually come to associate his new F-word with our president. It doesn't matter to him how superficial that association is, just so long as it's there.
FIFTH COLUMN, a body of people, who, through political disaffection, self-interest, corruption, or ignorance, become the victims of enemy propaganda, and therefore, either consciously or unconsciously, materially assist the belligerent intentions of the enemy. The term was originated by General Emilio Mola, a leader on the Nationalist side during the Spanish Civil War, who made the statement in November 1936 that he had four columns advancing on Madrid, but that a fifth column of rebellious sympathizers, hidden within the city itself, would be the determining factor in assuring victory. The fifth column, strictly speaking, does not refer to direct traitors, espionage agents, and saboteurs, but to that element of the population which, through misguided motives, usually believes that it is acting in the best interests of its country. Adolf Hitler once said that "our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within," and Spain became the proving ground for German and Italian fifth-column techniques. It is the object of enemy propaganda to create chaos and confusion, to destroy national unity, to initiate rumors which will play on the nerves of the people, to inflame political, religious, ideological, social, and racial hatreds, and thus to retard preparations for defense and in general to sabotage the war effort. That element of the population which furthers these intentions, by falling a victim to enemy propaganda techniques, becomes the fifth column. This propaganda is especially effective when such basically commendable motives as the general desire for peace and social justice, or the fear of radicalism, are played upon and allowed to disrupt the concerted war effort. In addition to those who innocently help to spread this propaganda for presumably ideological reasons, and those whose patriotism is corrupted by self-interest, are others, such as those naturalized citizens and members of political groups whose predominant allegiance is to another country, who make a direct contribution to fifth-column activity. The use of a fifth column is not new to military history—Napoleon often used similar tactics—but its effectiveness was most clearly demonstrated during World War II. By fostering the growth of defeatists, fascists, rexist, and pacifist movements, and by relying on the support of quislings and such national minorities as the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia, the Axis achieved virtually bloodless victories in Norway, Holland, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, and other countries, or facilitated their occupation.
source: C[aleb]. W. D[avis]., "Fifth Column," Collier's Encyclopedia (New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1960), 7: 435.
But he needs the help of a Fifth Column media to make it stick. Being that his front-runner status is the sole creation of that media, it's a sure bet they'll go out of their way to help moveOn.org along that TBL effort of his no matter what he says, thinks, or does.2
Also, since a lie is only as good as the lying liar who tells it, the Fifth Columners wearing press badges must cast their Baron von Münchhausen in the best possible moonlight. This requires them, among other things, to give the truant senator pass after pass after pass on his record of military service and its aftermath. For examples, al-Qerry gets numerous passes on his war crimes—crimes he admitted (under oath) to committing himself while serving in Viet Nam ("I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of others...in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions and burned villages."). He criminally failed to properly report any of his own atrocities as well as those he claims other soldiers committed ("Did not these [Rules of Engagement] that Kerry knew by heart also require a soldier to report war crimes, or attempted war crimes, by others? Did Kerry report this officer's illegal order to kill civilians to superiors? Or did Kerry remain silent, thereby becoming this officer's ally and enabler, if not accomplice?"). Not that he'd be willing to ever take the entire blame himself. After Lieutenant Calley was convicted of a war-related crime, John Qerry said "the real criminal" is the United States of America.
Has the Fifth Column media ever harped on any of this as much as they did week after week after week on the record of an honorably discharged veteran whom a few crackpotted nutjobs falsely said is a deserter? While crickets are chirping on this one, let's move on to even more of the real misdealings of Hanoi John's service record.
There's a real lack of records supporting the French-backed candidate's claim to at least one of his three Purple Hearts, compared to the strong evidence which shows John F'in' Qerry didn't earn his first Purple Heart. His own commander in the field staunchly refused to recommend him for that medal, so JFQ decided his only course of action was to finagle his way around those objections by going straight over the head of his commander to get it. That's how this walking billboard for Botox got his early ticket out of Viet Nam after serving only one-third of what was supposed to be a year-long tour of duty there. (Not even his abysmal attendance record in the U.S. Senate has been so bad.) Even more disturbing, once he returned home to the United States he promptly joined a radical extremist anti-war group and was still a member of it when it conspired to assassinate United States senators. Since he couldn't get the vacancies his group was shooting for there, he decided to just create a couple on his chest by tossing his ribbons (or medals) or someone else's medals (or ribbons)—he keeps waffling on the details—over some fence. Not surprisingly, all his former commanders—the ones who've truly seen his actual service record—adamently and unanimously say Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry is unfit to be commander in chief. Yet the crickets keep chirping in the Fifth Column media's front yards on these facts too.
While omitting from their stories those very credible accounts of this seasonal soldier's crime-spree in Vietnam, the same reporters and editors who call adhering to our country's enemies, giving them aid and comfort, "dissent," see no problem at all giving credence and much ink and airtime to the wild accusations and extremist claims running throughout Qing Qetchup's The Big Lie. However, the fact that this media have played and printed his French fashioned TBL innumerable times does not mean it's true.
Fonda's former flunky scribbles things like "This administration has failed to make its case on the international stage or to the American people for the rationale of starting the war [in Afghanistan] or for the means of ending it." Indeed:
Does al-Qerry not believe that the
people who jumped to their deaths from either tower or were crushed to death when it collapsed have themselves made our country's case for fighting every terrorist cell, group or organization, as well as every state that offers or may likely offer it comfort or assistance, until their loved ones and all other Americans are assured that no one else in this country need ever suffer a similar fate?
Or the people aboard any of four hijacked planes who called home to tell their loved ones, "I love you. I think we're going down, but don't worry. It's going to be quick," and "I want you to live your life. I know I'll see you someday"? Or those brave men and women inside the Pentagon who dedicated themselves to defending our lives and that of our Nation? All of them aren't "rationale" enough for taking out the terrorists and their actual and potential supporters whoever and wherever we believe they are or think they might be? And not stopping until that job is completely done?
Al-Qerry obviously doesn't believe so. He'd rather we turn the handling of our own security permanently over to a corrupt, French-obstructed UN. The same way he believes letting international organizations handle vital components of our economic security is the way to go there.
He says, "Year after year, [this administration] has consistently failed to represent U.S. interests in the global economy." This coming from someone who voted for the North American Free Trade Agreement before he voted for the World Trade Organization. Under the NAFTA treaty, a three-nation Free Trade Commission is established which "assists in the resolution of disputes that may arise between the NAFTA countries regarding the agreement." This so-called assistance includes approving all agreements on unresolved issues. With al-Qerry's consent, what was supposed to be a power that we the people vested solely in our Congress ("To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations") is now being exercised by this trilateral commission. How's that for representing our interests in the global economy?
The Qerry-approved World Trade Organization is even worse. Called "the most powerful legislative and judicial body in the world," this organization is more interested in protecting his wife's multinational assets than it is about respecting our national sovereignty. Yet Hanoi John wants to expand its powers even more, giving it the ability to bash Japan, China, and other countries for their monetary policy decisions. What it can do to one country it can do to ours. But that's all right in al-Qerry's globalistic view. He consistently believes international bodies like the UN and WTO know what's best for us anyway, much more than we do ourselves.
‘Tell a big enough lie often enough and some people—often many people—will believe it.’
Moreover, all the trade policies he's saying "this administration has failed" on, as well as many other free-trade schemes, were passed under Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry's watch with his full consent. He voted for renewing fast track presidential trade authority. He voted for expanding trade to the third world. He voted for permanent normal trade relations with China. He voted for removing common goods from national security export rules. He voted for granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam. He voted for extending free trade to Andean nations. His "relatively modest" proposals for "better enforcement" of bad agreements and treaties won't help. Those never should've been passed by him and his colleagues in the first place.
When it comes to protecting our nation's security and interests, France's favorite candidate is the one who's failed. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on his way to Saudi Arabia, Qerry voted against pushing back the dictator. When we needed to fully upgrade our defenses with such advanced weapons systems as the B-1 bomber, the B-2, the F-15, the F-14A, the F-14D, the AH-64 Apache helicopter, the AV-8B Harrier jet, the Patriot missile, the Aegis air-defense cruiser, the Trident missile, the M1 Abrams tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the Tomahawk cruise missile, and the F-16 jet, Hanoi John said no on every one of them. When this administration asked for body armor to protect our troops, Mr. Qetchup voted nay. When our troops requested a highly-earned and long-overdue pay raise, Lurch quipped, "Let them eat cake." He voted to cut, transfer or freeze defense spending 38 times, cancel military pay raises 12 times, raid the Social Security Trust Fund five times, freeze all defense spending for seven years, and cut $2.5 billion from our country's counterterrorism and intelligence budgets after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Despite his own record of failure after failure after failure, al-Qerry and his Fifth Column media cohorts will keep following Göebbels' first two rules to the letter, repeating his "this administration has failed" TBL until your ears bleed. These two rules, which are necessary for setting up a lie like Hitler's or Hanoi John al-Qerry's, can be summarized as follows: "Tell a big enough lie often enough and some people—often many people—will believe it."3 But you need one additional rule to keep any TBL going.
3. Personally attack anyone who questions TBL
Following this last rule changes the subject because your opponent is forced to respond with a defense of himself instead of a rebuttal to what was supposed to be your defense of TBL. Once you have in place a whopper of a Big Lie and a complicit Fifth Column media ready to ensure its endless repetition, nothing stands in your way of pulling it off other than the truth. Anyone willing to contradict your TBL with it, therefore, must be attacked.
In al-Qerry's case, these attacks take the form of deriding administration officials and other leaders who publicly point out the failings of his proposal for outsourcing our country's security to the United Nations and for scaling back security measures we've adopted to protect our borders and infrastructure, referring to such officials and leaders as "attack dogs" and "smear mongers." When they describe how his proposal would pose a real danger to America, for example, he takes it personally, saying they "dare question my patriotism." Also, because he's trying to use his four-month presence in Vietnam over 30 years ago as "proof" that he knows what he's talking about regarding our defense, he says these same officials and leaders are attacking that so-called proof too. That's utter nuance, and is itself a big lie as well since none of them have shown the chutzpah yet to call that spade the spade that it actually is.4 Meanwhile, America's mortal enemies make no secret how much they really appreciate what Hanoi John is doing against a sitting president in time of war, adding to their own propaganda his "this administration has failed" TBL smear tactic whenever they can.
Just calling any truth tellers "questioners of my patriotism" is, al-Qerry hopes, enough to put them on the defensive. Although such name calling is another ploy of big liars, which they believe helps them avoid facing any truth, it is nothing new.
In many crowd situations, the reaction of the group is determined by the behavior of a leader. Through the use of standard propaganda techniques, the leader frequently is able to crystallize previously amorphous activity and to direct the behavior of the crowd toward the accomplishment of ends that suit his own purposes. Among the commonly recognized techniques is "name calling." The leader or propagandist attaches a label to the object of his attack and relies on the tendency of his listeners to react to the name rather than to the characteristics of the object itself.5
"I served in Vietnam, and you're questioning my patriotism, you patriotism questioners," he accuses them. It is effective only if the truth tellers respond to his accusation rather than accuse him, in turn, of trying to change the subject.
Personal attacks are used to throw your opponent off balance. They can buy you time, especially with a media eager to devote its finite resources covering an entertaining spitball contest started by such attacks. They increase the Fifth Column media's ratings and the public's general ignorance of an otherwise stilted candidacy devoid of any real ideas, but which that media is banking everything it has on to swindle us out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and place it under the heel of its liberally biased estate.
Liberals, like Hitler, have always believed that The Big Lie is a sound principle. They were and still are willing to use it as much as possible to advance their continual quest to seize absolute political, social, and cultural power. The "this administration has failed" version of The Big Lie peddled these days by Herr Monsieur Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry is no different.

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