Welcome to Liberal Logic 501. Please check your brain at the door and proceed with extreme rashness.
esson one. In the event you cannot effectively counter someone's argument with relevant facts and reason, simply tell that person he or she is a racist, a retard, or insane, and should "hurry up and die."
An exemplary student of this course followed that lesson to a tee, using all four vitriolic expressions, while commenting on Sir Banagor's "Extreme Replies" at Shining full plate and a good broadsword. Sir Banagor's response to it in "Racism" shows why the need for applying such lesson is so great among the left these days. It would be exceptionally difficult to try to counter his argument using anything else without looking racist, retarded, and insane yourself.
To illustrate the point, would the left call you a racist if you spoke in scathing, even vengeful terms against the Klan? or Nazis? Or would they applaud you for your "tolerance"?
How then can anyone stand up for an extremist culture that is much worse? The Klan never stoned their women for showing an ankle. Nazis even allowed their women to be "a major part of the workforce." Yet if you jumped all over a leftist the same way after he vilifies either of these societies (both of which are considered exclusively "pure" white), he and others like him would descend on you and call you a racist and a fascist.
Because the left sees America as she is today as their enemy, they are willing to give the one culture that is hell-bent on destroying her a pass when it comes to its demonstrably racist and fascist mores and traditions: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." What is the penalty for distributing the Christian Bible in Iran or Saudi Arabia? Who besides True Believers may hold any office in their respective governments? Does the left actually support any of that? to the point of defending this culture against anyone who rightly opposes it more viciously than one would oppose the Klan or Nazis? They must support it, judging by the way they mindlessly attack any of its detractors.
Unless they start being vocal themselves in condemning the brutish, extreme nature of this culture, one can only conclude that oppressive Shi'a Islam as a state religion, murderous Jihad against The Great Satan as any man's highest calling, and the resulting subjugation of all women and minorities, are things the left believes have to be tolerated. Such a high level of tolerance, however, inescapably implies acceptance.
Do you support these things or not? If not, why would you fail to openly condemn them as well? or, at the very least, why would you ever condemn anyone who does?

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