The Guardian
reports, "There have been claims that the photographs [of British military guards] were taken by MoD investigators reconstructing allegations of abuse....One inconsistency was that the lorry pictured was a Bedford MK. 'The MK ... was not deployed by the army to Iraq at all. That vehicle can't operate with the fuel that was available in Iraq.'"
hotographs in and of themselves offer us little context. Who took them and where, and who and what we're seeing in them, have to be provided. In this case, the likes of
Daily Mirror and CBS are providing us such details. But an overwhelming amount of evidence consistently shows that the only people standing between us and the bloodthirsty terrorists are exceptionally brave men and woman, whose character and valor, even in the direst circumstances, are most uncommon, and who have rightly earned the eternal gratitude and complete respect of not just this Nation but of every peace-loving country of the world. So it is incongruent, to say the least, that anyone wearing the same uniform could be party to such disgraceful, un-American acts. A military force comprised of over two hundred thousand servicemen and women in a wide theater of operations is bound to include a very small number who stray from their training or, even more rarely, forget their oaths, and do things that violate rules of conduct and engagement or the military code. We demand that, in each case, these violators be brought to justice.
The investigation of this matter will determine whether the photographs are genuine and prosecutions of those involved warranted, or the product of a hoax designed to undermine our country's war effort.
In either case, the perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.

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