Let's see how this works.
all me progressive, but I believe that people can find solutions to their political problems without having to resort to an election. We only need to sit down and discuss our differences and respect each other's viewpoints. That's the enlightened way to go about resolving our political conflicts.
Elections are messy. A lot of people wind up getting hurt. And you know what? In the end no one really wins. Each election just breeds more animosity between both sides, leading to even more elections and more hurt. Why can't we all just get along?
Now, I have no gripe whatsoever with our candidates. They are only doing what the party leaders order them to do. They have no choice but to obey or face drumming out of the party. They are caught up in a system that forces people to campaign and fight to win elections. It's for them and the children and our grandchildren and their children that I'm doing everything I can to stop this and every election.
The candidates should thank me and support my efforts because I'm doing this for them too. A world in which no one need ever run again in any election would be a much better place for everyone. There would be no "our" side or "their" side anymore, because all sides would be the same.
That's why I joined Quelling Unilateral Elections: Stopping Them In Our Name. We believe there should be no more elections anywhere by anybody for any reason. We can all solve our political differences through more peaceful and less costly means; and with the help of Sore Georgos' billion$, our organization is well funded enough to help change people's minds about all this electioning.
Support our candidates. Oppose the election. Won't you?
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Thank you.

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