If he could cast one, he would mark his ballot for George W. Bush, right?
Bin Laden escaped capture more than once during the Clinton Administration's watch. In at least one instance, the Clinton Administration had
prior knowledge of his whereabouts but
choose to let Bin Laden get away. That is how Bin Laden was able to reach Afghanistan and finalize his plans to attack America on her own soil on September 11, 2001. A big help he got there from the head of the Democratic Party.
When Bin Laden's operatives were training and being sheltered in Iraq, which party was all for letting its dictator Sadam Hussein stay in power even after Hussein continued to violate the terms of the cease-fire agreement he made with us in 1991 following his defeated military efforts to forcibly occupy and annex Kuwait? (Continuing to regularly fire at our patrolling aircraft, which he himself agreed could enforce the no-fly zone provisions, cannot by any standards be considered honoring the terms of a
cease-fire.) Which party is now trying to deflect public attention away from that single, more than justifiable cause of the war? Which party opposed Iraqi freedom?
The Republicans, right?
Wrong on both counts. If I were Bin Laden or a dictator like Saddam Hussein I would know unto the most frozen reaches of my cold heart that no better friend could I find than an American party that tries everything in its power to keep America's armed forces from pursuing me and bringing me to justice for even the most horrifying crimes against humanity I might commit.
That party - the one which goes out its way to befriend the biggest and most ruthless of the big guys - is the Democratic Party. Their apparent nominee for president is no different. His own voting record - including those parts of it which he now says he was wrong for favoring - bears that out. For these reasons he will be referred to here as Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry.

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