No Iraqi could be behind these deeds. Knowing your friend's grandmother will be in that square or your neighbor's daughter works at that hotel would make it impossible for you to even think about attacking those sites. Training your rocket launchers at your country's women and children and setting off your bombs where they are would gain you nothing. You would be lower than the filthiest maggots that could consume what's left of your body after your country's brethren get their hands on you.
A Syrian or Iranian terrorist, on the other hand, doesn't know any of them. It's not his home, family, friends or neighbors he's shredding into pieces with his explosives. It does serve his interests to have Iraqis subjugated by fear so that they lose heart and quit trying to make their country much better than it ever could've been under Saddam Hussein. He would like to see Iraq ruled by another dictatorial regime, perhaps one more friendly to his own country's government. He would gain prestige in the eyes of that government if he succeeds. He would be rewarded for killing and maiming other men's wives, mothers, sisters and children.
That terrorist from Syria or Iran doesn't know about the strength of the Iraqi people, either. They've already lived through decades of heartless brutality. They know what suffering a vile dictatorship brings. They're much tougher and more courageous than any foreign terrorist can imagine. They know who lives in their neighborhoods and who doesn't belong there. Iraqis love their home and families; and they are far better able to protect and improve their lives, this time for themselves.
The men of Iraq are now tasting freedom. Their working to earn and keep more of it will not be stopped by any coward who, even at home, would not be seen as a real man.

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